About // Despre
Born in 1964, Adrian is one of the last examples of an endangered and almost extinct species: the Romanian comic artist (only 5-6 individuals still alive). In 2003 he won an Achievement Award in the L. Ron Hubbard “Illustrators of the Future” contest. Adrian has managed to live several lives simultaneously: teacher (specialized in French), writer (critical articles about sci-fi), advertising illustrator (storyboards and other silly things), musician (6-7 instruments), translator (from and into French, English, German in all directions, not to mention Romanian, his first foreign language) and nightloser (his most long-lasting job).Other obsessions: drawing, special effects, horror, clay-modeling, drawing, black beer, fairytales, drawing, Albrecht Durer, Celtic mythology, drawing, martial arts, oriental wisdom, drawing, M.C.Escher (not Hammer), drawing, 3D-animation, medieval music and theater, drawing, pipe-smoking, Tolkien, Irish ballads, drawing, red wine (self made, and hence, dangerous) wood-carpentry, and drawing.
Credits: BigCityBlues (artist), Panel Comix Anthology (contributing artist), Rooftop Philosophy (artist), A Little Knowledge (artist)